Thursday, May 25, 2006

Litbrit's Belated Mothers' Day Present Wish List

  1. Rove indicted and forced to answer questions under oath; then charged, tried, and hauled away for life.

  2. Cheney subpoenaed and forced to answer questions under oath; then indicted, charged, tried, and hauled away for life.

  3. Rummy's head implodes during an especially tight squint.

  4. Condi has heart attack while on treadmill.

  5. Halliburton's worldwide assets seized and applied to funding universal health care program for Americans.

  6. The Great Decider decides to move back to Texas permanently; suffers fatal brush-clearing accident.

  7. Al Gore...well, you know.

Looks like #1 and #2 are distinct possibilities in the near future.

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